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World Health Day 2022

07 April 2022

We’ve all seen first-hand the devastating effects that climate change is causing, locally and globally. As an organisation, we have a duty to the young people we care for, as well as all for future generations, to take action, now.

Our ambition is for Chailey Heritage Foundation to develop and implement a long term strategy to achieve a sustained reduction in our carbon emission over the next three years. This is why last year we launched the Chailey Carbon Challenge, an inclusive challenge where everyone has a voice and can get involved to make Chailey Heritage a greener and healthier place to work. 

We are working holistically to build sustainability into everything we do from procurement, energy consumption, real estate to recycling.  Every aspect of our ecosystem will be looked at and assessed so we can work towards becoming a greener organisation. Our switch to green electricity has already had a dramatic impact in reducing our carbon footprint.

Besides the larger projects we are also launching a series of smaller challenges, like our ‘Switch it off’ campaign, which will not only contribute to the overall reduction of our carbon footprint at work, but also help us change the way we do things at home.

Through simple, practical, innovative steps we can make a difference.

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