Nestled in the heart of the Sussex countryside, our school sits on a stunning green site in a beautiful and tranquil setting, enabling our pupils to learn and grow in a safe, open space.
The majority have a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, while other pupils’ disabilities are caused by acquired brain injury or genetic condition. A growing number of children require full time help to breathe using a ventilator.
The majority of pupils have a learning disability, including some who have profound and multiple learning difficulties. However, others are cognitively able and their barriers to learning are their medical needs and physical disabilities.
Our vision is for every young person at Chailey Heritage School to be given every opportunity to make progress towards fulfilment. We will never, ever give up looking for ways to support our young people to make their own choices in life, and to achieve their own desired destinations.
The highly trained and experienced multi-disciplinary teams all work together to help every young person make progress towards unlocking their full potential. From teachers, education assistants, intervenors, engineers to therapists, our teams are always finding new and innovative ways to help every young person reach their goals.
Our specialist facilities are second to none and include: a multi-sensory studio, a hydrotherapy pool, all-weather therapeutic horse riding and cutting-edge information and communication technologies and even a therapeutic farm!
Furthermore, thanks to our our partnership with on-site NHS colleagues from Chailey Clinical Services, we are able to provide the best possible care and therapies to the young people, all in one place.
Find out more about Chailey Heritage School's unique person-centred approach to provision and learning by reading or downloading our school prospectus.
Book a visit by contacting us on 01825 724 444 or by emailing us on
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