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Henry Settles in at Brambles Bungalow

24 October 2022

Henry is an outgoing 11 year old boy who loves interacting with his peers and showing his cheeky side to staff who can’t resist his big smile! Henry has been making great progress since becoming a full-time resident at Brambles bungalow in September 2022. Settling into his new routine at the bungalow has helped Henry overcome some of his anxiety in group activities.

Diane, Henry’s Key Worker, says ‘I’ve seen him grow since he’s started living at Brambles, his character and his cheekiness has come out which is lovely to see and just goes to show that he’s relaxing’.

‘When Henry is anxious, he cries at the slightest sound and grabs onto you. But we are able to calm him down or provide a distraction so the moment doesn’t last.’, Diane explains. ‘Activities in the Dream Centre are an hour long but whether he stays for the full session is completely up to him. He could do an hour but it’s dependant on the noise level and how many other people are attending the session - we don’t force him. If he says no, then we go for a drive in his wheelchair round the site.’

Encouraging Henry to take part in activities he is unsure about has been a good way for the team to gradually push him out of his comfort zone. The team working with Henry make sure he works with several different members of staff too. ‘Although kept to a small group, we gradually introduce someone different to work with Henry so he doesn’t become reliant on one person and start becoming anxious if that person suddenly changes’ says Diane.

One of Henry’s favourite things to do after returning to the bungalow after school is to exercise in his walker. He enjoys saying ‘hiya’ cheerfully to everyone he meets and is even learning the initial sounds of staff members’ names. Henry has also made some great friendships since moving into Brambles bungalow. He especially gets on with Ellis and often makes him laugh with his silly antics!  

Visits from Henry’s family are happy times and Henry’s mum Caroline, explains the impact Henry’s move has had on the family. 

‘Henry becoming a 52-week boarder has completely changed all of our lives.  Henry is thriving now getting the support he needs, and is very happy living in such a happy environment with other young people he can interact with.  He so loves all the attention he gets from the team. Knowing Henry is happy and getting the support he needs, we can now rebuild our lives at home also. Within our family setting it has been very tricky to manage Henry's anxiety, especially as he is getting older.  We are now able to do things with our younger son that we have never been able to do before.’

We’re all so pleased with the progress Henry has made in only a month since beginning his 52 week placement at Brambles bungalows and look forward to seeing him shine even more in the future! 

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