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Advice for Parents on NHS Continuing Care and Continuing Health Care

06 December 2022

Our latest Transition Coffee Morning for Parents focused on NHS Continuing Care and Continuing Health Care. The aim of this supportive and informal event was to give parents the opportunity to share their experiences of NHS Continuing Care and Continuing Health Care and offer their advice to other parents.

Parent speakers gave informative and powerful accounts of how the process went for them in securing this important funding for their child’s health care needs. As well as the parent speakers, Denise Howard (Family Liaison Worker) and Hannah Styles (Senior Speech and Language Therapist) at Chailey Clinical Services gave comprehensive presentations about the assessment process itself and the support Chailey can offer parents.

Parents and professionals asked questions throughout, and the discussion covered a wide range of experiences. Parents described the support provided by Chailey as amazing, saying that they feel very privileged – but what happens next when their children move into Adult Services? This is the very real dilemma facing families.

We hope events like the Coffee Morning give reassurance that despite the difficulties, there is a team on hand to help. The common themes appearing will inform the support and guidance we offer here at Chailey Heritage.

The ‘take away’ advice for parents about to apply for NHS Continuing Care or Continuing Health Care for their children, based on parents’ accounts at the Coffee Morning are:

•   Build relationships. It is important to build good relationships with the professionals involved in your child’s Transition to Adult Services. This does not mean avoiding saying what you think, just keeping the dialogue open.

•   Challenge. Parents, don’t be afraid of challenging funding decisions made; good relationships with the team involved in Transition will help to ensure support even where there are issues to be resolved.

•    Familiarise in advance. Get to know the assessment criteria and processes involved

•         Ask for clarification on terminology wherever needed.

•         Be prepared. Know what to expect and what you want to see happen.

•         Ask for what you need.

•         Keep detailed records of ‘worst case’ days.

•         Seek advice and support.

Please contact Paula Marten, Assistant Headteacher on pmarten@chf.org.uk or Denise Howard, Family Liaison Worker on denise.howard2@nhs.net for more advice and information about NHS Continuing Care and Continuing Health Care.

Please also see our downloads section at the bottom of this page for information on CC and CHC as well as advice on assessments.

Information about NHS Continuing Care and Continuing Healthcare

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